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Glamping Mountain Fairy Tale
4290 Tržič
Slovenija, EU
Phone: +386 (0)31 60 30 50
Seat: Senično 24A, Senično, 4294 Križe
Telephone: 031 603050
Tax number SI: 16783654
Company’s registration number: 8052484000
ID for TAX: SI16783654
Glamping Mountain Fairy Tale
Gift voucher can be ordered via form on this website or by email Gift voucher is valid 1 year from the issue. Purchase of gift voucher is possible at the reception in glamping Mountain Fairy Tale or by payment according to invoice. We send gift voucher by post to the delivery address.
The gift voucher is refundable upon booking in advance and according to the free accommodation capacities.
Gift voucher can be used only with the original voucher and is not convertible to cash. Gift voucher must be presented at the reception desk upon check in, before using the service.
The issuer of gift voucher is company Magnocor d.o.o., Senično 24a, 4294 Križe.